"Personally identifiable information" is information that can be used to uniquely identify a user such as name, password, age, civil status, gender, mailing address, email address, telephone number, mobile number, and other personal details. You may be asked to provide personally identifiable information during the sign in process to allow you to use the Product Site in our web site and for us to respond to your queries and requests. We may also use the provided personal information to inform you of special product offers, to process your orders, to provide you with our products and services or to conduct surveys. While MedGrocer collects personally identifiable information on a voluntary basis, for certain products and services, MedGrocer's collection of personally identifiable information may be a requirement for access to our products or services or to process a user’s order.
Privacy Policy
MedGrocer respects the privacy of its online visitors and users of its products and services and complies with Republic Act No. 10173 also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its implementing rules and regulations, and other issuances of the National Privacy Commission. MedGrocer recognizes the importance of protecting information collected from users and has adopted this privacy policy to inform users about how MedGrocer collects, uses, stores, transfers/discloses, and disposes information derived from their use of MedGrocer products, services, and online sites.
This privacy statement is current as of its last revision date. However, please note that this privacy statement may be amended from time to time to reflect changes and additions to the privacy policy. Please check back for the most current version before relying on any of the provisions in this privacy statement.
This privacy statement is current as of its last revision date. However, please note that this privacy statement may be amended from time to time to reflect changes and additions to the privacy policy. Please check back for the most current version before relying on any of the provisions in this privacy statement.
MedGrocer respects the privacy of its online visitors and users of its products and services and complies with Republic Act No. 10173 also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, its implementing rules and regulations, and other issuances of the National Privacy Commission. MedGrocer recognizes the importance of protecting information collected from users and has adopted this privacy policy to inform users about how MedGrocer collects, uses, stores, transfers/discloses, and disposes information derived from their use of MedGrocer products, services, and online sites.
This privacy statement is current as of its last revision date. However, please note that this privacy statement may be amended from time to time to reflect changes and additions to the privacy policy. Please check back for the most current version before relying on any of the provisions in this privacy statement.
This privacy statement is current as of its last revision date. However, please note that this privacy statement may be amended from time to time to reflect changes and additions to the privacy policy. Please check back for the most current version before relying on any of the provisions in this privacy statement.